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Kickstarter, Concerts, and More!

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Be Rewarded!

Heard about our Kickstarter campaign? It's been only a few days since the launch, and its going well! We can't do it without you, so check out our video and the list of great rewards, and tell your friends! And thank you for your support!

We Love Our Co-ops!

Did you know that when you shop at the Medford and Ashland Food Co-ops you can make a donation to OFFC of any amount at the register? We are sending a BIG Thank You to both the Medford and Ashland Food Co-ops for their support! And we are so grateful to all the Co-op shoppers who have already contributed in a major way - all the small and large donations really add up. So please shop to eat well - and donate to Defend the Win! Upcoming Events to Raise Funds and Awareness

April 24 - Love, Laughter, and Singing

On Friday, April 24, the Bellview Grange in Ashland will present Music For Lovers, a Grange Spring Salon, as a fundraiser for OFFC’s legal defense fund!

An evening of contemporary and classic songs and show tunes, featuring Richard Heller and Christina Saia Blakeslee, with Chris Bingham on piano, and selected skits by Archie Koenig. Doors open at 7:30pm and showtime is 8:00pm.

April 25 - Earth Day

Rogue Valley Earth Day is a joyful, annual celebration for all ages to learn about environmental stewardship and build community in a fun and inspirational setting.

Bring your kids, your friends, or just yourself, to our OFFC booth to make a “Defend the Win” shield. Free admission!

Saturday, April 25, 11:00-4:00 Outdoors at ScienceWorks Hands-on Museum 1500 E. Main Street, Ashland

April 28 - Eat for OFFC at Chipotle

On Tuesday, April 28th, OFFC will receive 50% of sales made between 4:00pm and 8:00pm at Chipotle in Medford from people who say they are there to support Our Family Farms Coalition. You can show up with the Eat for Change flyer, either on paper or on your mobile device, or, just say you want your order to help OFFC Defend the Win! Tell all your friends and have a meet up at Chipotle in Medford on 4/28! (Carpooling advised).

Bon Appetit! April 30 - Dr. Raj Patel Dr. Patel will be speaking about global food insecurity at SOU on Thursday, April 30th at 8:00pm at the SOU Recital Hall, at 1250 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland. Dr. Patel is a researcher and speaker, an award-winning writer, activist and academic, and author of "Stuffed and Starved: Markets, Power, and the Hidden Battle for the World's Food System."

May 2 & 3 - 34th Annual Spring Garden Fair

Presented by Jackson County Master Gardener Association. Over 150 exhibitors and plant vendors. Free gardening classes Saturday and Sunday. Admission $3, children 15 and under free. Free parking.

Jackson County Fairgrounds – Compton Arena 1 Penninger Rd, Central Point, OR 97502 Saturday May 2, 9-5 pm Sunday May 3, 10-4 pm

May 16 - and the Beet Goes On! Concert Fundraiser

Its a party! Saturday, May 16th, at 6:00pm in Grants Pass. Featuring Matt Hill & Friends, a Silent Auction Extravaganza, and a light GMO-Free meal, its a fundraiser for a GMO Free Rogue Valley! Proceeds from the event benefit OFFC, Oregonians for Safe Farms and Families, and GMO Free Josephine County. Details and ticket purchases here or on Facebook.

May 17 - Concert in Jackson County

The party moves to Jackson County! On Sunday, May 17, at 7:00pm, we'll rock the house at the Ashland Historic Armory. We'll have Rogue Suspects, Blades of Grass, and other great musicians on stage as a fundraiser for OFFC! Stay tuned for more details.

If you would like to volunteer for any of the above events, just reply to this email and we'll be in touch to sign you up! Thank you!

May 20 - Our Day in Court

Do you have Wednesday, May 20 on your calendar? That's when OFFC will be in court to argue our case before Magistrate Clarke regarding the lawsuit against Jackson County filed last year by two growers of gmo alfalfa.

Depositions have been completed; declarations by experts have been submitted; and legal briefs are being written in preparation for the hearing scheduled for 2:00pm, May 20, at the James A Redden Federal Courthouse, 310 W 6th St (corner of W 6th & N Holly) in Medford.

The public is welcome. Note that a photo ID is required to enter the court house, and be prepared to pass through a metal detector. No liquids allowed. As before, please arrive early if you wish to be seated.

Glyphosate Revealed

Glyphosate is the primary ingredient in Roundup, an ubiquitous and some say harmless herbicide that has been applied with abandon since the 1980s. With the emergence of Roundup Ready crops in the 1990's, usage of Roundup has exploded, becoming the most popular herbicide in the world, for homeowners, municipalities, businesses, and farmers alike.

Last month, the World Health Organization issued a statement that informs us that glyphosate is a 'probable carcinogen'.

If you are familiar with gmos, you already know that the majority of gmo crops are genetically modified to withstand multiple sprayings of Roundup throughout a growing season. Hence the name Roundup Ready crops. So now we have one more reason these Roundup Ready crops are bad for our farmers, our families and our future.

As always, thank you for your support! The OFFC Team

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